Team Test (tRAT)
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After the iRAT, you will gather with your team mates (in class or via breakout rooms in Zoom) and the same exam that you did individually before, but now you will perform it as a team.
Wait what!?!?
You might be wondering: why do we need to do the exact same quiz again!?
Well, here's the kicker: while the questions of the quiz are the same, the way in which your team will select the answers and scoring are very different.
When you are presented with the tRAT quiz each answer of the question is show as a "scratchie". So if with your team you select an answer -unlike with the previous test you did individually, you get immediate feedback as to whether the answer selected is correct or incorrect. If the answer you select is incorrect, unlike the iRAT test, your team can try for another option. If the new option is still incorrect, you can continue trying until your team finds the correct answer.
The scoring for the question is affected by the number of selection re-tries. If you reveal the correct answer at your first attempt, then you get full score: 4 points for this question. If your first selection is incorrect, but then you select the correct answer in your second try, then you will get only 2 points for this question. The more retries trying to find the correct answer, the less marks you and your team will get.
Therefore it is important that before you select an answer, everyone the whole team agrees on the answer to be selected, as it's on everyone in your team (and your) best interest to ensure that you discuss which answer to go for in details before selecting it.
At times, as a team, you might want to ask questions regarding a particular answer or a concept that you are not quite grasp. Usually this will become clear to you when you keep attempting answer are all you are getting are red crosses!
If this is the case, make sure that your leader raises a Burning question, appeal or challenge to the lecturer on behalf of the team.
These burning questions will be very likely discussed in the next TBL step: the Mini lecture.
It is very likely that if you are doing an asynchronous TBL lessons (where not all the students are accessing the lesson at the same time), the teacher has enabled discussions.
In this case, you will need to add your comments to the discussion and then before the deadline the team leader, after reading the opinion and discussion of all the teammates, will select the answer(s) on behalf of the team.
Discussions might also be enable in synchronous tRATs though.
After your team has submitted all the answers, then you will be able to see all the burning questions submitted by your team and other teams.
Read the burning question from other teams and if want the teacher to address it, ask the leader to click on the like 👍 button so the teacher can see how many people want the burning question to be addressed.
And of course, you will be able to see your overall score as well as insights into your performance.
Now, as you are able to unveil what the correct answer for each question in the quiz, by the end of the tRAT you should already have a very good grasp of the subject matter cover in this TBL lesson. At least from the theoretical perspective.