Creating a Lesson
Now that we have created a TBL design, let's create a lesson with our students
In the previous section, you had a look at how to created a TBL design using the TBL Design Wizard and other features and customisations available.
But now, how do you "run" this design with the students in our course?
To run a design, we create a lesson.
Designs and Lessons: a useful analogy?
When thinking about designs and lessons, a good analogy would be a set of notes or instructions that you might have created for your students in a Word document.
The Word document will be your learning design. But once you print a copy and give it to the students, that is the lesson.
Students will be able to write answers on the printed instructions, adding comments and/or make annotations.
These comments and annotations by you or the students in the lesson, will not change or affect your design. Neither changes that you do to your design after you the lesson was created, would have no effect in it (just like changes in a word document cannot affect previously printed copies).
Teams Allocation
There are three options:
Random allocation: in Random allocation, you can either choose to set the number of total teams needed, or the number of students to be within each team. In either of these circumstances, the students will be randomly allocated to their team, and they will stay within these teams for any of the activities in the TBL lesson.
Learner's Choice: this option allows learners to choose their own team.
Teacher’s choice: in Teacher’s choice, students are assigned to their team by you in the LAMS Monitor environment by simply drag and drop the students name into their team container (this is described in more detail in the monitoring section).
For TBL, you might want to select Teacher's choice as it will then allow you to manually assign your students using pre-configured teams that can be used for the entire semester.
Manually allocate students to teams and saving teams for future use
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