Readiness Assurance Questions

The next step is to add the “Readiness Assurance Questions” (RATQs). These RATQs will be then added automatically to the iRAT and the tRAT activities.

The next step in the wizard allows teachers to add their “Readiness Assurance Questions”.

Confidence Levels

Teachers can enable the use of confidence levels. Individual Test (iRAT)

When enabled, confidence levels will prompt students to set how confident they are that the answer selected is the correct one. Then the confidence level for each student is displayed in the tRAT to all members of their team (see TBL lesson students’ experience).

Mark hedging and confidence levels

Note that confidence levels are based on confidence based learning -which allows students to select an answer and then say how confidence they are on their chosen option. However, if what you need is mark hedging (the ability for the students to spread their marks across multiple answers), then you are after Mark hedging questions.

Adding Readiness Assurance Questions

Creating new questions

By clicking in the “Add Question” button, you can create a new RAP question of the type multiple choice or very short answer questions from scratch.

Each question and/or answer can contain any type of media (text, images, videos, any mathematical or LaTex formulas, audio, etc). While using the in-built HTML editor, you can create HTML content that is modern and responsive so it can be used in any device.

The in-built HTML editor include content templates so you can create sophisticated content for text, video, columns, tabs, etc.

You can change the question name or title by clicking on it.

Appropriate question titles/names are useful to identify, manage and for analysis.

From Question Bank

You can reuse previously created questions by adding them from the Question Bank.

By clicking the “Add question” drop-down menu, several options are displayed. One of which is to add questions on From Question Bank is available.

By clicking on the “From Question Bank…” you are then able to search the Question bank for any text in the question description and/or the question’s answer. The text to searched will then be highlighted in the questions found. You are able to browse thru the questions that match the searching criteria.

When you select a question, then the question is displayed in full including the question version (Question Bank supports question versioning).

Once you decide on the question to be added, by clicking on the “Import” button, the question is then added to the Readiness Assurance Test.

Additionally, by clicking on “Stats”, you can view detailed analytics for the selected question.

Powerful Analytics

The analytics display the question in its full life-cycle -in which other lessons it has been used, full item analysis including (difficulty, discrimination index and point biserial coefficient). This is particularly important for the lecturer as it gives a clear picture on the reliability of the questions to include in their TBL lessons.

From Microsoft Word

You can import questions into TBL learning designs using a Microsoft Word template. Using the Microsoft Word template, you can create sophisticated questions with elaborate formatting, including images, tables and text.

Additionally to adding format, questions imported from Microsoft Word can also contain specific metadata such Learning Outcomes and Feedback.

Learning Outcome Support

When adding questions, you can specify which learning outcomes are assessing. This makes curriculum compliance very easy.

Currently (as of LAMS v4), the question types allowed are Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), Very Sort Answers (VSA), Mark Hedging and Essay questions. In the near future, other questions types might be included.

The Microsoft Word Question template format can be downloaded here. The template includes all instructions and examples on how to prepare question to be imported.

Selecting the option to Import from MS Word will show the the option to upload the template document. Also, a link where the template can be downloaded is available.

Once the Word document is uploaded, LAMS presents the questions that are found in the document.

Note that for iRAT, only questions of the MCQs type are displayed. For Application Exercises, MCQs and Essay question types are displayed.

You can then choose which questions and answers to import.


The IMS Question and Test Interoperability (QTI) specification defines a standard format for the representation of assessment content and results, supporting the exchange of this material between authoring and delivery systems, and other learning management systems.

Most Learning Management Systems support this specification and allows teacher to import and export questions to be use in other systems and assist in migrations.

You can add all questions manually or mix import methods from QTI or Question Bank to create their perfect TBL assessments.

After adding all the RATQs, let's move on to the next stage: Application Exercises.

Last updated