How do I manage/set-up my teams?
What types of team selecting options are available?
When you are creating the design for your lesson, teams can be set in a variety of ways to suit the classroom environment.
There are three options:
Random allocation: in Random allocation, you can either choose to set the number of total teams needed, or the number of students to be within each team. In either of these circumstances, the students will be randomly allocated to their team, and they will stay within these teams for any of the activities in the TBL lesson.
Teacher’s choice: in Teacher’s choice, students are assigned to their team by you in the LAMS Monitor environment by simply drag and drop the students name into their team container (this is described in more detail in the monitoring section).
For TBL, you might want to select Teacher's choice as it will then allow you to manually assign your students using pre-configured teams that can be used for the entire semester.
Learner's Choice: this option allows learners to choose their own team.
Can I use allocated teams myself?
Yes, see Teacher's choice option above.
Note that you assign students to teams when you create a lesson. While you are authoring or designing your TBL design, you can choose the allocation method.
Manually allocating teams and save for later use
Can I save my teams for later use?
Yes, see this video once you have allocated your students in teams, you can save the Teams configuration and then reuse the same teams in all the lessons throughout the whole duration of your course.
See this video for instructions.
How does the Teams look like to students?
Check out the Teams section in the TBL Student Guide.
Can I use teams created in my LMS (Blackboard/Canvas/Moodle/etc) for my TBL lessons in LAMS?
Not yet. But this feature is in the works.
Can I use the same TBL teams in LAMS for Zoom breakout rooms?
If you are using the LAMS Zoom integration, there's no need as all the students' name will include their team's name when they are added to Zoom. This will allows you to easily allocate students to breakout rooms.
Additionally, this is the most secure way to run synchronous TBL online, as you can be sure that no-one but the students that are in your TBL lesson can access Zoom.
But I don't have LAMS integrated with Zoom or I use another conferencing platform. What can I do?
You can export the teams configuration from LAMS (both in PDF or in Excel/CSV) and use these to pre-populate your breakout rooms using this file.
Last updated