Glossary & Acronyms
TBL definitely has its fair share of acronyms! 😃
Assessment activity: LAMS tool used for iRAT and Application exercises.
Confidence levels: an iRAT configuration setting that allows students to ascertain the correctness of the option they have chosen. See iRAT Confidence Levels and how it relates to tRAT.
doKu: LAMS tool used for collaboratively create a document response, usually to a case.
Gallery Walk: A configuration uses in the AEs to promote inter- and intra-teams discussion, higher order thinking, cooperative learning and team building. When enabled, the document or responses created by each team is shared to all other teams. Students in their respective teams then can give evaluate, provide feedback and rate on other teams' work.
iRAT: Individual Readiness Assurance Test. Can also be referred as iRA.
LD: a learning design, design or sequence of learning activities.
Lesson: a running instance of a learning design or sequences.
RAP: Readiness Assurance Process
Scratchie: LAMS tool that works better than traditional as IF-AT cards.
TBL: Team-Based Learning
tRAT: Team Readiness Assurance Test. Can also be referred as tRA.
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