Monitoring a TBL Lesson

Running a TBL Lesson with LAMS! All you need to know

In the previous section, you learn how to create a TBL lesson based on a design. Now in this section, we will look at how to run an effective TBL lesson with LAMS.

LAMS Monitoring

When you created your TBL designs, you were using the LAMS Authoring environment.

Similarly -for running lesson, LAMS has a Monitoring environment that will provide you with all the tools that you need to manage and monitor the performance and progress of your students throughout the lesson.

Accessing LAMS Monitoring

To access the Monitor environment for a given lesson, simply navigate to the lesson and click on the heartbeat icon.

Monitoring a TBL Lesson

In this 5' video, you can see how you monitor the progress of students and get TBL specific reports

Managing student flow with Gates

As we saw previously, we use gates to control when we want students to access the TBL activities. Here's a short video that shows how you achieve that.

TBL Analytics

See iRAT Analytics, tRAT Analytics and iRAT & tRAT Insights.

Manage synchronous or asynchronous TBL lessons

The most important aspect of asynchronous and synchronous TBL lesson is time management. Additionally you can manage student's flow using gates.

Changing team leaders

If you need to change a leader for a team, you can do this at any of the activities or in the leader selection activity itself.

In Leader selection

In the leader selection activity, you can switch any leader for any team as follows

In tRAT & AEs

If you've got to change the leader in a tRAT because the student cannot longer continue being leader or has been disconnected, then change the leader as follows

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