To add an Assessment activity to your design, just drag and drop the activity in the authoring canvas and double click on it to set it up.
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To add an Assessment activity to your design, just drag and drop the activity in the authoring canvas and double click on it to set it up.
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On the Basic or Content tab, you are able to set:
Title Make sure you use a meaningful title that summarises what the students are meant to do.
Description/case Here’s the description of the case you want the students to discuss and respond to.
The questions section is where you can add the questions and set up their properties.
If you want to move the question order, you can drag and drop each question up and down to position the questions in your required order.
In the Mark
field, you can add the number of points that will be given to the students when they answer the question correctly.
Questions in the Q&A activity can be of multiple question types:
Multiple choice
Matching pairs
Short answer
Mark hedging
For the sake of simplicity, in this example we will only explore Multiple Choice questions.
To add a question from scratch, select the question type to add press the +
button to begin.
If your questions already exist in the Question Bank, you are able to import them directly into the Assessment activity.
When you select a question, then the question is displayed in full including the question version (Question Bank supports question versioning).
Once you decide on the question to be added, by clicking on the “Import” button, the question is then added to the Readiness Assurance Test.
Additionally, by clicking on “Stats”, you can view detailed analytics for the selected question.
Powerful Analytics
The analytics display the question in its full life-cycle -in which other lessons it has been used, full item analysis including (difficulty, discrimination index and point biserial coefficient). This is particularly important for the lecturer as it gives a clear picture on the reliability of the questions to include in their TBL lessons.
You can import questions into TBL learning designs using a Microsoft Word template. Using the Microsoft Word template, you can create sophisticated questions with elaborate formatting, including images, tables and text.
Additionally to adding format, questions imported from Microsoft Word can also contain specific metadata such Learning Outcomes and Feedback.
Learning Outcome Support
When adding questions, you can specify which learning outcomes are assessing. This makes curriculum compliance very easy.
Currently (as of LAMS v4), the question types allowed are Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), Very Sort Answers (VSA), Mark Hedging and Essay questions. In the near future, other questions types might be included.
The Microsoft Word Question template format can be downloaded here. The template includes all instructions and examples on how to prepare question to be imported.
IMS QTI imports You can also import question using IMS QTI format.
The Leader selection tool is another LAMS activity that allows students to select a student leader or representative for their group. If this activity is present in your design, then you can specify that the Assessment exam should only be answered by the selected leader. See the Leader selection activity for further details and examples.
The assessment activity has many options to choose from:
Questions per page: select the number of questions per page that you want the students to see (default: All in one page.)
Shuffle questions: When enabled questions will be presented to each student in a randomised order.
Enable questions' numbering: If you want to refer to the questions by their order number, then you might want to enable this option. Note that if you select to shuffle question order, then the questions to each student will look in different order.
Time limit (minutes): Number of minutes that each students can have to complete the exam. The time starts from the moment a student enters the exam for the first time.
Exam restrictions: - Number of Attempts allowed: You can allow students to have multiple goes at the exam. - Assessment passing mark: specify the required mark for the student to complete the exam. If the student does not attain the required passing mark, the student must re-attempt the exam again.
Display all questions and answers once the learner finishes: when enable, this presents an exam report to the students after the students have submitted their answers.. See the following options to determine what to show:
Allow learners to see question feedback after each question: if any of your question has feedback, it will be show under the question and student's answer.
Disclose learner's and other groups' answers in monitor: this feature will allow you from Assessment Monitor to share with the students the answers of each team/group and afterwards the correct answer.
Indicate choice(s) that have been answered correctly: when enabled, only feedback for questions answered correctly are shown.
Indicate choice(s) that have been answered incorrectly: when enabled, only feedback for questions answered incorrectly are shown.
Allow learners to see history of responses at the end of each attempt: students are able to see the history of their attempts.
Display overall feedback at the end of each attempt: see overall feedback scales below.
Allow learners to see marks at the end of each attempt: show the students attained marks/scores with each attempt.
Enable answer justification: when enabled, the students will be asked to justify their answer -in case of MCQ questions.
Enable discussion sentiment voting: after the students have compled the assessment, a discussion can follow where each student (or team/group) can present defend their answer selection. These discussions can take some time, so you can use the sentiment voting to gather feedback if it is necessary to prolong the discussion or move on.
Enable confidence level: Aside from selecting an answer, when confidence levels are enables, the student might want you set how confident the student is of chosen answer.
Enable the notify instructor
option if you want to receive an email notification when a student completes an attempt.
If you want to provide feedback to students based on their attained score, use the overall feedback scales to do so. Make sure you enable the option for it to be displayed (see Display overall feedback at the end of each attempt