Teacher Choice Branching

To add a branching activity to your design, just drag and drop the activity in the authoring canvas.

To get started with Branching, is as simple as dragging the Branch activity into the Authoring canvas. The Properties Inspector allows you to change the name of the branch, and also specify the branching type.

Teacher assigns students to branches

Using this branching type, you -the teacher, get to decide which branch you want each student to go to.

When the students reach the branching activity -in Monitor, you will be able to manually allocate the students to a branch.

Creating teacher's choice branching

The way you create different learning pathways or branching, it is always the same. However, the decision on how students are allocated or routed to each branch is different.

This short video shows how to create a set of branches and then choose the option for teacher's choice.

Creating a branching where teachers assign students to different branches

Allocating students into branches during the lesson

Once you created your lesson based on a learning design that has a branching of the type "Instructor's choice", then you will be able to allocate students into branches.

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