
To add a Vote activity to your design, just drag and drop the activity in the authoring canvas and double click on it to set it up.

Voting Content

On the Basic or Content tab, you are able to set:

  1. Title Make sure you use a meaningful title that summarises what the students are meant to do.

  2. Instructions Add the description for the vote and on how it should be conducted.

Adding a nomination

When adding a nomination, you can can use the rich text editor to include any media or formatting for it.

Advanced settings

Use leaders from Select Leader tool: In case you are using a student representative for a team/group (ie: team leader), you can select this option and only the leader of the team/group will be able to submit a vote on behalf of the whole team.

Allow text entry: If you want to give the option for students to add their own text nomination.

Minimum votes: You can set the minimum number of votes that the students have to select in order to complete the activity.

Maximum votes: You can set the maximum number of votes that the students have to select. If this number is greater than 1, then students will be able to select multiple candidate answers.

Learning Outcomes

Mapping learning outcomes to activities is very useful for curriculum mapping.

As with all activities in LAMS, you can map your learning outcomes to this activity. If you want to add a learning outcome, just search for the particular outcome or type a new one it will be added to your list of learning outcomes for the future.

You can search Learning Outcomes by code or name.

Reflection and End of Activity

As in all LAMS activities, you are able to get your students to reflect on the activity as soon as they finish. This is an important part of learning and research shows that it is when we reflect upon what we just learned that long-lasting learning forms.

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